November 2019 Mini Legacy Challenge

As promised, here’s our monthly Mini Legacy Challenge! This challenge is centered around every Sim’s desire to become a household name. There are various portions of this challenge that may require other packs (ex: dancing skill from Get Together, owning a business from Get to Work), but this challenge mainly requires Get Famous and Base Game, as well as some City Living. You can absolutely do this challenge without City Living, I’ve ever created an alternate first generation. Feel free to alter this challenge as needed to fit the packs that you own. As always, I hope you enjoy playing through this challenge as much as I enjoyed creating it. I can’t wait to see your pictures and hear your stories on social media. Make sure to use #FameMiniLegacy.

Getting Started

  1. Create a Young Adult Sim in CAS: This will be your first generation. See below for the traits and aspiration you’ll use.
  2. Choose an Apartment: This challenge starts in San Myshuno. Choose any apartment you want and you can use money cheats to furnish your apartment, but no more cheats after that. If you don’t have City Living, do the alternate first generation and start in any world you’d like.
  3. Cheats, Mods, and CC that don’t give you an advantage are allowed. This one requires common sense!

You’ve dreamed of fame and fortune since you were a tiny Sim child. You want everyone to know your face and you’ll do whatever it takes to reach the peak of fame. Will you reach your goals and live your life in obscurity?

Traits: Self Absorbed, Hot Headed, Materialistic
Aspiration: World Famous Celebrity
Career: Social Media (Internet Personality Branch)

1. Complete aspiration
2. Reach top of career
3. Be a 5 Star Celebrity
4. Max Charisma and Media Production skills
5. Only marry someone who is more famous than you
6. Host fan meet and greets weekly
7. Go out and party twice weekly
8. Don’t have a child until halfway through the Adult stage

You grew up watching celebrity chefs on SimFood Network. You admired the delectable dishes they whipped up and envied their fame. As you got older, you noticed that you also had a knack for cooking and the camera loved you. You have dreams of being a celebrity chef and livestreaming your cooking on your very own culinary themed channel.

Traits: Self Absorbed, Foodie, Hot Headed
Aspiration: World Famous Celebrity
Career: Culinary (Chef Branch)

1. Complete Aspiration
2. Reach Top of Career
3. Be a 5 Star Celebrity
4. Max Cooking and Media Production Skills
5. Only marry someone more famous than you
6. Host fan meet and greets weekly
7. Livestream yourself cooking often
8. Don’t have children until halfway through Adult stage

You spent your entire childhood in the limelight. Your parents were incredibly famous and every move you made was critiqued by the National Simquirer. You preferred to spend your time huddled in your room escaping into your favorite books, you valued emotional health, peace, and quiet over fame. As you got older, you poured your emotions onto pages and wrote books of your own. Will you be able to follow your passion while avoiding the fame that inevitably comes with it?

Traits: Loner, Bookworm, Creative
Aspiration: Best Selling Author
Career: Writer (either branch)

1. Complete Aspiration
2. Reach top of career
3. Max Writing and Wellness skills
4. Become at least a 3 star celebrity
5. Build a small writing shack as your home. Only leave to go to work.
6. Do yoga and meditate daily.
7. Have two children early in the Adult stage.

Your parent was an incredible author and you always admired them for following their dreams, but they were always so serious. They worked so hard to avoid the fame that they deserved and never just kicked back and enjoyed the Simoleons that came pouring in. You know how to enjoy life and if fame follows, so be it. Will your laid back attitude cause you to get in your own way or will your laissez faire approach breed happiness?

Traits: Goofball, Geek, Childish
Aspiration: Joke Star
Career: Entertainer (Comedian branch)

1. Complete Aspiration
2. Reach top of career
3. Max Comedy and Video Gaming skills
4. Be at least a two star celebrity
5. Marry young
6. Have at least three children
7. Quit your job to raise your children when your third child is born
8. Enter video game competitions daily

Your parent was a wonderful parent. They worked hard for you and your siblings and always made sure you knew about the fun side of life. They encouraged you to follow your dreams and signed you up for drama class as a young child. That’s when the fun stopped. You knew you wanted to be the most famous movie star in all of Del Sol Valley. It was going to take hard work and dedication and you were ready for that.

Traits: Self Assured, Perfectionist, Ambitious
Aspiration: Master Actor/Actress
Career: Actor/Actress

1. Complete Aspiration
2. Reach top of career
3. Max Acting, Singing, and Dancing skills (Triple Threat!)
4. Be a Five Star celebrity
5. Never marry, you’re far too career driven.
6. Never have or go to parties
7. Live on the Hill in Del Sol Valley
8. Have one child as an adult

You come from a long line of fame and fortune. The generations that came before you all sought fame from different reasons and you have pieces of each of the in your heart. You always had dreams of being a famous painter and gallery owner. You daydream about being discussed alongside Pablo Simcaso and Claude Simnet. But painting isn’t your only talent! You love crafting art and furniture out of wood. These beautiful pieces sit side by side with your paintings in your art gallery.

Traits: Art Lover, Outgoing, Clumsy
Aspiration: Painter Extraordinaire
Career: Painter (either branch), Art Gallery owner

1. Complete Aspiration
2. Reach top of career
3. Max Painting and Handiness skills
4. Furnish your home with your paintings and woodwork
5. Be at least a four star celebrity
6. Upon reaching the top of your career, quit your job and open your own art gallery.
7. Children and marriage are both optional, as this is the final generation.

Thank you so much for checking out and hopefully attempting our November Mini Legacy Challenge. I can’t express how much I appreciate all of the positive feed back and support I’ve gotten on these challenges. It brings me so much joy to write these up for you guys and I’m so glad that you all have been enjoying them. Please share your awesome stories and Sims with me on the Gallery and social media with #FameMiniLegacy. I look forward to hearing from all of you. See you in December!


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